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Tag: garage door repair rowlett tx

Are Black Garage Doors A Bad Idea – Rowlett Garage Door and Gates

The choice of a black Garage Door Repair Rowlett TX, like any other design decision for your home, comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Whether it’s a good or bad idea depends on your personal preferences, your home’s style, the climate in your area, and maintenance considerations.

In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons of black garage doors to help you make an informed decision.

Pros of Black Garage Doors:

  1. Aesthetic Appeal: Black garage doors can add a touch of sophistication and modernity to your home’s exterior. They can create a bold and stylish focal point that enhances your home’s curb appeal. Black often complements various architectural styles, from contemporary to traditional.
  2. Versatility: Black is a versatile color that pairs well with a wide range of other colors. Whether your home’s exterior is light or dark, black garage doors can often be incorporated seamlessly into the overall design.
  3. Dramatic Contrast: Black garage doors can create a dramatic contrast with the rest of your home’s exterior. This can make your home stand out and draw attention to its unique design features.
  4. Timelessness: Black is a classic color that doesn’t go out of style. Choosing black for your garage door can ensure that your home maintains a timeless and elegant appearance for years to come.
  5. Heat Absorption: In cooler climates, black garage doors can absorb heat from the sun, potentially helping to keep your garage warmer in the winter.

Cons of Black Garage Doors:

  1. Heat Absorption: While absorbing heat can be an advantage in cooler climates, it can be a drawback in warmer regions. Black surfaces can absorb a significant amount of heat from the sun, leading to increased temperatures inside your garage. This can be problematic if you use your garage for storage or as a workspace.
  2. Maintenance: Black garage doors are more likely to show dust, dirt, and water spots compared to lighter colors. Regular cleaning and maintenance may be required to keep them looking their best.
  3. Fading: Over time, black paint or finish can be prone to fading due to exposure to UV rays. This may require repainting or refinishing to maintain the door’s appearance.
  4. Limited Color Palette: While black can complement many color schemes, it may limit your options for other exterior design elements, such as trim, shutters, or front door color. You may need to choose these elements carefully to ensure they harmonize with the black garage door.
  5. Style Considerations: The suitability of a black garage door depends on your home’s architectural style. While black can work well with many designs, it may not be the best choice for certain traditional or rustic styles.

Additional Considerations:

  1. Local Climate: Your local climate plays a significant role in the suitability of a black garage door. Consider how temperature extremes and sun exposure may impact your garage’s interior and the door’s maintenance.
  2. Homeowner’s Association (HOA) Rules: If you live in a community with an HOA, check their guidelines and restrictions regarding exterior colors, including garage doors. Some HOAs have strict rules about color choices for uniformity within the neighborhood.
  3. Energy Efficiency: If you’re concerned about heat absorption, consider the insulation properties of the garage door material. Insulated doors, regardless of color, can help regulate temperatures within the garage.
  4. Professional Installation: Regardless of the color you choose, professional installation is crucial to ensure your garage door functions correctly and safely.


The decision to have a black Garage Door Repair Rowlett TX ultimately depends on your personal preferences, your home’s architectural style, and your local climate. While black garage doors can add a touch of elegance and visual interest to your home’s exterior, they also come with potential challenges related to heat absorption, maintenance, and color coordination. Carefully weigh the pros and cons, consider your specific circumstances, and consult with a design professional or garage door specialist if you have any doubts. Ultimately, the choice of a black garage door should align with your aesthetic vision and practical needs for your home.

Rowlett Door and Gates

5813 Cypress Dr, Rowlett, TX 75089, United States


Guide on Why You Need Garage Door Repair Services Now

Garage doors are among the hardest and most complicated pieces of hardware in your home. They are exposed to use and abuse on a daily basis. You use your garage door from the morning when you leave for work until the evening when you go home. And in between, it’s also castoff a lot by the rest of your family.

garage door repair rowlett tx

Such a high level of usage will finally lead to wear and tear and damage. It’s unavoidable and when it does happen to your garage door, you better be ready for it. You need to know what to do. Not in a DIY sense ever since that might not bode well for your garage door for the reason of its complexity.

This highlights the significance of garage door maintenance. But in case you haven’t been able to emphasis on that, you’ll have to turn directly to garage door repair. Just make it sure that you’re able to select and work with the best garage door repair company in your area.

Below we’ll take a look at the details why you need rowlett garage door repair services now.

Professionals are the Most Qualified

Garage door experts have the right combination of skills, knowledge, experience, and tools to do the job. And they’ll be able to do your garage door repair correctly and proficiently.

You might be inclined to do the job yourself even though you’re not fit to do so. But that’s not a good idea at all since your lack of skills and knowledge might only make matters worse. So it’s better to trust experts who have been trained and have already repaired countless garage doors before.

Reduce the Risk of Injuries

Decrease the risk of injuries by assigning the job to people who were truly trained to fix your garage door issues. As we said above, garage door repair is a little complex and the fact that garage doors are physically heavy and imposing doesn’t help.

When you employ a contractor, they’ll send over a team of knowledgeable technicians that will do all of the heavy lifting for you. In fact, you wouldn’t have to do a thing and simply wait as they fix whatever your door might have.


The convenience afforded by getting proficient garage door repair services is second to none. They’ll take care of everything. All you have to do is to contact them and approve on the terms and they’d take care of the rest.

All you have to do is sit back and wait until the job is finished. And once they’re done, you and your family can once again start using your garage door for all kinds of purposes.


There is this common misapprehension about going DIY. And that’s the belief that it would help you save money. But if you have the right information and equipment and don’t have a clear idea of what you’re doing, then you’re bound to make errors.

It’s likely to be costly mistakes on your part. So in the end, you end up costing even more than what you planned to or thought you’d spend at the start. Getting a garage door repair company would end up aiding you save a lot of money and a lot of headaches as well.

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