Roofing Contractor Long Beach CA understands the importance of eco-friendly roofing options and offers a range of environmentally sustainable materials to meet the needs of environmentally conscious customers.

From energy-efficient materials to recycled options, Roofing Solution – Orange provides eco-friendly roofing solutions that not only reduce environmental impact but also offer long-lasting performance and durability. In this guide, we’ll explore some of the eco-friendly roofing options available from Roofing Solution – Orange and their unique benefits.

1. Cool Roofing Systems

Cool roofing systems are designed to reflect sunlight and absorb less heat, reducing the energy consumption needed to cool buildings. Roofing Solution – Orange offers a variety of cool roofing options, including reflective coatings and light-colored materials that help keep buildings cooler and reduce the urban heat island effect. By minimizing heat absorption, cool roofing systems can lower energy bills, reduce carbon emissions, and enhance indoor comfort.

2. Solar Roofing

Solar roofing systems harness the power of the sun to generate clean, renewable energy for homes and businesses. Roofing Solution – Orange installs solar panels directly onto the roof surface, allowing property owners to produce their electricity and reduce their reliance on traditional energy sources. Solar roofing not only lowers energy bills but also helps combat climate change by reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainability.

3. Recycled Roofing Materials

Roofing Solution – Orange offers recycled roofing materials made from reclaimed materials such as rubber, plastic, and metal. These recycled materials are diverted from landfills and repurposed into durable and sustainable roofing products. Recycled roofing materials offer the same performance and durability as traditional materials but with the added benefit of reducing waste and conserving natural resources.

4. Wood Shake and Cedar Shingle Roofing

Wood shake and cedar shingle roofing are natural, renewable roofing options that offer rustic charm and aesthetic appeal. Roofing Solution – Orange sources wood from sustainable forests and utilizes environmentally responsible harvesting practices to ensure the longevity and sustainability of their wood roofing products. Wood shake and cedar shingle roofing provide excellent insulation and ventilation properties, reducing energy consumption and enhancing indoor comfort.

5. Green Roofing Systems

Green roofing systems, also known as living roofs or vegetative roofs, are innovative roofing solutions that incorporate vegetation and plant life into the roof structure. Roofing Solution – Orange installs green roofing systems that include a waterproof membrane, drainage system, and layers of soil and vegetation. Green roofs offer numerous environmental benefits, including improved air quality, reduced stormwater runoff, and enhanced biodiversity.

6. Metal Roofing

Metal roofing is a durable and sustainable roofing option that offers long-lasting performance and energy efficiency. Roofing Solution – Orange installs metal roofing systems made from recycled materials such as aluminum, steel, and copper. Metal roofs are highly reflective, reducing heat absorption and lowering energy bills. Additionally, metal roofing is lightweight, recyclable, and can last for decades with minimal maintenance.


Roofing Solution – Orange is committed to providing eco-friendly roofing options that promote sustainability and environmental responsibility. Whether you’re interested in cool roofing systems, solar roofing, recycled materials, wood shake roofing, green roofing systems, or metal roofing, they offer a variety of sustainable solutions to meet your needs. With their expertise and dedication to environmental stewardship, Roofing Solution – Orange helps customers reduce their environmental footprint while enjoying the benefits of a durable and environmentally sustainable roof.

Best Roofing Solution – Long Beach

4447 Rutgers Ave, Long Beach, CA 90808, United States
