Changing your garage door repair code is an important security measure that can help protect your home and family. The process of changing your garage door code may vary depending on the type of garage door opener you have, but generally, it involves resetting the code on the opener and reprogramming the remote controls that operate the door.

In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to change the garage door repair code:

Step 1: Identify the Type of Garage Door Opener You Have

There are several types of garage door openers, including chain-driven, belt-driven, screw-driven, and direct-drive openers. Each type of opener may have a different process for changing the code. You can find out which type of opener you have by checking the manufacturer’s label on the opener unit. If you’re unsure, consult the owner’s manual or contact the manufacturer for assistance.

Step 2: Disable the Existing Code

Before you can change the code, you need to disable the existing code on the opener. This is done by locating the “Learn” or “Program” button on the opener and pressing it until the light on the opener unit turns on. Depending on your opener, this button may be located on the back or side of the unit. Consult the owner’s manual if you’re unsure where to find it.

Step 3: Choose a New Code

Once you have disabled the existing code, it’s time to choose a new code. The code should be at least four digits long and not easily guessable. Avoid using simple combinations like “1234” or your birthdate. Instead, choose a random combination of numbers that only you and your family members know.

Step 4: Program the New Code

To program the new code, enter the code on the keypad or remote control that operates the garage door. Depending on your opener, you may need to press the “Learn” or “Program” button again after entering the new code to save the changes. Test the new code by opening and closing the garage door with the remote control.

Step 5: Reprogram Additional Remote Controls

If you have additional remote controls that operate the garage door, you will need to reprogram them with the new code. To do this, press the “Learn” or “Program” button on the opener and then press the button on the remote control. Repeat this process for each additional remote control.

Step 6: Test the New Code

Once you have programmed the new code on all of your remote controls, test the code again to make sure it works. Open and close the garage door using each remote control to ensure that the new code is working properly.

Step 7: Securely Store the New Code

After you have changed the garage door code, it’s important to securely store the new code. Avoid writing it down in a place where it can be easily found, such as on a notepad or on your smartphone. Instead, memorize the code or store it in a secure password manager. If you must write down the code, store it in a secure location that only you and your family members can access.

In conclusion, changing your garage door code is a simple but important security measure that can help protect your home and family. By following these steps, you can change the code on your garage door opener and ensure that only you and your family members have access to your home through the garage.

Fort Worth Garage Door Experts

817 Currie St, Fort Worth, TX 76107

817- 242-5868