Removing an old Garage Door Repair is a multi-step process that requires careful planning and execution.

Follow these detailed instructions to ensure a smooth and safe removal process.

: Gather Necessary Tools and Materials

Before you begin, gather the following tools and materials:

  • Screwdriver
  • Adjustable wrench
  • Power drill
  • Sawhorses
  • C-clamps
  • Helper (optional but recommended)
  • Safety glasses
  • Work gloves

: Disconnect the Garage Door Opener

Start by disconnecting the garage door opener. Locate the emergency release cord and pull it to disconnect the opener from the door. If your garage door has a power source, unplug it from the electrical outlet.

: Remove Tension from the Springs

Garage doors are often counterbalanced with springs. Use your adjustable wrench to loosen the set screws on the torsion spring. Once the tension is released, carefully unwind the springs from the torsion tube. Exercise caution, as springs are under high tension and can be dangerous.

: Detach the Garage Door Panels

With the springs and opener disconnected, you can now focus on removing the individual panels. Starting from the top panel, use your power drill to remove the hinges connecting each panel. Have your helper support the panel as you disconnect it. Repeat this process for each panel, stacking them in a safe location.

: Uninstall the Track and Rollers

Next, remove the track that guides the door’s movement. Use a screwdriver or power drill to loosen the bolts securing the track to the wall and ceiling. Once detached, carefully take down the track.

Remove the rollers from each side of the door by unscrewing the brackets. Be cautious, as some doors may have additional brackets or tracks on the sides.

: Take Down the Garage Door Frame

If your garage door has a frame, use a power drill to remove the screws securing it to the wall and ceiling. Enlist the help of your assistant to hold the frame steady as you detach it.

: Disassemble and Dispose

Disassemble the panels further if needed to facilitate transportation. Use the sawhorses to create a stable work surface, and carefully cut larger panels if necessary. Dispose of the removed parts responsibly, adhering to local waste disposal regulations.

: Inspect and Repair

Before installing a new door, inspect the garage door opening for any damage or wear. Address any issues, such as damaged framing or misalignment, before proceeding with the installation of the new door.


Removing an old Garage Door Repair is a labor-intensive process that demands attention to detail and safety precautions. By following these steps carefully, you can successfully dismantle and dispose of the old door, preparing the space for the installation of a new and improved garage door.

Colleyville Gates & Garage Doors
