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Tag: Garage Door Repair Grand Prairie TX

How To Replace Broken Spring On Garage Door – Roadrunner Garage Doors

Garage Door Repair Grand Prairie TX Garage door springs are under high tension and can cause serious injury if mishandled.

It’s essential to follow proper safety procedures and use the correct tools and techniques when replacing a broken spring. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to replace a broken spring on a garage door:

1. Identify the Type of Spring:

Garage doors typically use one of two types of springs: torsion springs or extension springs. Determine which type of spring your garage door has before proceeding with the replacement.

2. Gather the Necessary Tools and Materials:

Before starting the replacement process, gather the following tools and materials:

  • Replacement garage door spring(s) (make sure they are compatible with your garage door)
  • Vice grips or locking pliers
  • Winding bars or winding rods
  • Adjustable wrench or socket set
  • C-clamps or locking pliers (for securing the door)
  • Ladder or step stool
  • Safety glasses
  • Work gloves

3. Disconnect the Garage Door Opener:

To prevent accidental activation of the garage door opener during the spring replacement process, disconnect power to the opener by unplugging it from the electrical outlet or turning off the circuit breaker that supplies power to the opener.

4. Secure the Garage Door:

Use C-clamps or locking pliers to secure the garage door in the closed position to prevent it from accidentally opening while you’re working on the springs. Clamp the pliers or C-clamps securely to the garage door tracks on both sides of the door.

5. Release Tension from the Broken Spring:

If you have a torsion spring system, use winding bars or rods to unwind and release tension from the broken spring. Insert one winding bar into the winding cone on the spring and slowly turn it counterclockwise to release tension. Repeat this process with the second winding bar until the spring is fully unwound and the tension is released.

6. Remove the Broken Spring:

Once the tension is released from the broken spring, use a wrench or socket set to loosen and remove the set screws or bolts that secure the spring to the torsion tube or spring anchor bracket. Carefully remove the broken spring from the garage door assembly.

7. Install the New Spring:

Install the new garage door spring(s) according to the manufacturer’s instructions and specifications. Make sure the spring is installed with the correct orientation and secured tightly to the torsion tube or spring anchor bracket.

8. Wind the New Spring:

If you have a torsion spring system, use winding bars or rods to wind the new spring and apply tension. Insert one winding bar into the winding cone on the spring and slowly turn it clockwise to wind the spring. Repeat this process with the second winding bar until the spring is fully wound and the correct amount of tension is applied.

9. Test the Garage Door:

After installing the new spring(s), remove the clamps or locking pliers securing the garage door and manually lift the door to ensure it operates smoothly and evenly. Test the garage door opener to verify that it functions properly.

10. Perform Regular Maintenance:

To ensure the continued reliability and safety of your garage door system, perform regular maintenance tasks, including lubricating moving parts, inspecting cables and hardware, and testing the balance and operation of the door.

11. Consider Professional Assistance:

If you’re uncomfortable or inexperienced with garage door repairs, or if your garage door has complex spring systems, consider hiring a professional garage door technician to perform the replacement. Professional technicians have the knowledge, skills, and specialized tools required to safely and effectively replace broken springs.

Garage Door Repair Grand Prairie TX Remember to prioritize safety at all times, use the correct tools and techniques, and seek professional assistance if needed. With proper maintenance and care, your garage door system will continue to operate smoothly and reliably for years to come.

Roadrunner Garage Doors


Enhancing the Garage Door Can Level Up Your House Value

Garage Door Repair Grand Prairie TX

Garage Door Can Level Up Your House Value

It doesn’t matter if you live in a massive mansion or a small three-bedroom home for your family how the garage door is designed and functions have a significant impact on the home you live in. For those who are planning to sell their house and move into the next home or contemplating selling their house, it is crucial to know the importance of this particular architectural element can be in the sale.

Recent studies show that residents could increase the value of their homes by up to 5 percent, simply by replacing or repairing the old-fashioned garage door. If you own a home estimated at $500k, you could be not getting up to $25,000 if you don’t check the way your garage door looks and performs. It doesn’t matter if you require a complete garage door installation, or an easy repair, the cost is well worth the investment in the long run. Learn more from our Experts at Garage Door Repair Grand Prairie TX today.

Think about it this way Garage doors are typically distinctive from the structure of the house. They are made to be distinctive. They are also typically the first thing prospective buyers will see when they look at your home in the process of preparing for the possibility of buying. This means it’s essential for homeowners to have an appropriate garage door to match their home in a perfect way and replacing the worn-out, old garage door, with a more modern model should be among the primary options.

However, some may believe that their garage is perfect for their current home and may only require minor maintenance to be completed to ensure that the home is in good condition for potential buyers to inspect. It is therefore crucial to know the garage door maintenance tasks that homeowners are able to tackle themselves and which ones should be left to professionals.

Small adjustments that homeowners are able to DIY

There are a few minor adjustments that can make to the method that a garage door operates that do not require assistance from experts in the area of maintenance for garage doors. In the event that, for instance, your garage door is stuck in the process of closing or opening or makes sounds while in operation You may need to grease the mechanism of the door. The type of lubrication you employ on your garage door is contingent on the type of mechanism that your door is using to operate. The hinges, rollers, and springs of the door need to be regularly lubricated using the WD-40 that you use in your home. 

The solution will penetrate the grease and allow you to wipe off the residues using a cloth. Garage doors with nylon rollers require minimal lubrication due to the possibility of grease getting into the machine is low. If you’ve taken care to clean your garage door inside and out, and you’re still hearing the sound of squeaking, you may need to connect to garage door experts because the problem could be in the door’s mechanism. It could be of a mechanical than a superficial nature.

It’s recommended that you consult with an expert if you have any doubts about doing the task yourself. Garage doors are very costly to repair when a problem develops to be more serious while you’re fixing them.

Jobs to be left to the professionals

Within the garage door’s mechanisms, you will find many intricate parts that require expert assistance to fix. For instance, if you require any kind of maintenance for the torsion springs inside the garage door; this is the kind of job that must be done by an expert. When a spring breaks out of the track it will quickly spring back in any direction. It is known to cause serious injuries to those who attempt to attempt to tackle the task of fixing their garage doors on their own. This is among the primary reasons that many of today’s top garage door businesses offer 24-hour emergency assistance, to keep homeowners from undertaking the job on their own as they wait for professionals to arrive.

Another reason to leave the repair of your garage door to local experts is that they could be able to identify additional structural or aesthetic problems on your door that you haven’t noticed. They have typically been in the business for a long time studying every aspect and will help to boost your value home by ensuring that every aspect of your garage door, regardless of the aesthetics or function, is designed to ensure that your home appears as the perfect house to future buyers.

Aiming for a Profitable Long term

If you’re planning to sell your home in the next few months or the future, making sure the garage doors are in good condition is a great investment to ensure your future. If you hire garage door experts today, you can greatly increase your chances of earning future profits you earn when you put your home on the market.

How to Fasten Difficulties Related To Garage Doors?

Garage Door Repair Grand Prairie TX

Fasten Difficulties Related To Garage Doors

Garage doors allow cars to pass through. It can be operated by keypad or manually. Garage doors can be difficult to open, and they keep your safety in mind so you can rest easy knowing your home is safe.

Does the garage door withstand weather changes?

If garage doors aren’t maintained correctly, they can be damaged. Garage doors can become weaker over time due to seasonal and climatic changes. Your garage door might not open or close easily due to excessive friction, inadequate lubrication, or lack thereof. Sometimes the electronic garage opener keypad may malfunction or fail, and you might have to open your garage door when it is hot or cold. Need the help of our Experts at Garage Door Repair Grand Prairie TX visit us today.

How do we solve these problems?

It is best to keep your garage door’s hardware clean, and well-lubricated. This will make it easier to lift your garage door by not having to do so manually. Oiling the tracks and rollers is also a good idea. Clean grease particles from the tracks and lubricate them. To spread the oil, slide the door open and close it several times.

If your garage door opener doesn’t work, you don’t need to panic. To have the problem fixed, you can call a technician. Rain can easily remove the keypad. Cover the keypad with plastic or other water-repellent materials to ensure it is protected.

If the bottom seal is damaged or needs to be replaced, do it immediately. If garage doors are to work properly, they must be shut tightly. All bolts and nuts must be replaced. Paint the seal if it is made from wood. Now you have a garage door that is well-maintained and resistant to termites. Problem solved!

What do you do if your garage door springs?

Broken springs can cause your garage door not to open or close properly. You can replace the damaged spring by purchasing a new one.

Open the Door

If your garage door is in its down position, and the spring breaks, you will need to lift it up. Next, lift the door up and place it in its fully open position. This will allow springs to relax and allow them to not be under tension.

Prepare the Doors

Attach vise grips to attach the track on the side of the broken spring after the door is opened. This should be done below the last track roller. This will stop the door from falling. You should remove the broken springs from your garage door. Verify that the pulleys are in good condition. Replace worn pulleys and bearings.


Measure the length of the broken spring with a tape measure. You can also measure the width of the other garage door spring. A garage door dealer can help you locate parts by taking the measurements. It is important to ensure that all springs purchased are the exact same length and diameter.

Spring Installation

Examine the spring on the garage door to see where the cable connects to the pulleys. Place the spring on your garage doors. Attach the cable to the garage doors. The cable should not exceed 1 inch.

Replace Unbroken Spring

The garage door spring replacement process involves replacing both broken and intact springs. This is because springs must be the same strength. Remove your vise grips from the track and attach them to the track. Remove the broken spring and attach a new spring.

Check the Door

Attach the lock bar to your chain. The vise grips can be removed to lower the garage door to the floor. If the garage door is not reaching the ground, you can reset it.


You can test your work by raising and lowering the garage doors. This will let you know if your springs are too tight or loose.

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