Although your garage door may be the most important moving part of your house and take up 40 percent of the front of your home’s exterior, it is probably not something you think about. You can choose a color and a panel system for your garage door. Window placement is also important.

Garage doors transfer their weight through the springs and cables that are part of the door system. Garage doors without cables will wear faster and cause damage if they are not equipped with them. It is crucial to ensure that your garage door is safe.

Here are the tips from Garage Door Repair Sachse TX to remember on making sure your garage door cables are safe.

Garage door cables can slip from the drum.

You can expect your garage to move up or down once everything is in order. You can either pull the car in, take it out, or leave the door open for Spring cleaning. It is much more difficult for you to move the door if it breaks.

Replacing the Cable

You will need to lock the door before you can remove the damaged cable. To prevent the door from moving, attach vice grips to track below the bottom roller.

After the door has been secured, you can remove both the cable (looped around the peg) and the drum (unravel it). Attach the new cable to your drum according to manufacturer instructions, ravel it, and then loop the other end around a peg at the bottom.

Do not DIY

It is possible to make your garage safety cables but it is also possible to have them installed or cause a problem. It is important to properly install safety cables in your garage door. To prevent malfunctions and damage to windshields, you can always call a professional to install your safety cables.

Garage Door Safety

Your garage door is the biggest moving appliance in your house. Garage doors are usually opened using electric door openers. However, proper maintenance is necessary to ensure that your garage door remains safe. Here are some safety tips:

  • Safety cables protect your property from damage and prevent injury by preventing your garage door springs.
  • Garage door springs should be replaced when they become worn out. They can become loose and cause serious damage if they wear down. You will also need to manually open your garage door.
  • Call a professional if your garage door is not operating properly. It is dangerous to try and fix the spring yourself if you aren’t a professional.
  • Buy a new track. To ensure your door runs smoothly, you need a track that’s specifically designed for it. Sometimes, an old track can slow down your door movement.
  • Garage door cables are important because they support springs and tracks. The cables will ensure that the springs have sufficient support to lift and close your garage door. These cables reduce tension in the springs during lifting and closing your garage.

In summary, as mentioned by Garage Door Repair Sachse TX, if one of the cables breaks, the door will not lift evenly and put strain on the other cables, tracks and rollers. Although the garage door’s torsion spring is extremely heavy and puts a lot of pressure on it, changing a cable is safe and simple.

Sachse TX Garage Door

Sachse, TX
